SMAS and fascia temporoparietalis are in the plane of the facial muscles and SMAS is considered to be the degenerated upper part of the platysma, which covers the cheek including the parotid gland and continues until the zygomatic arch and cranioventrally until zygomaticus major and orbicularis oculi. The platysma in monkeys extends to the zygomatic arch. Above the zygomatic arch, there is a SMAS-like structure called fascia temporoparietalis. The Dutch and Flemish anatomists (Nederlandse Anatomen Vereniging, NAV) suggested in their comments to the TA2 (January 31, 2020) to include these terms under fasciae capitis. References: Stecco et al. (2013, Surg Radiol Anat 5:369-376), Herlin et al. (2015, Surg Radiol Anat 37:731-741).